
Over Ageas

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Ben Coumans

Managing Director Europe

1976 - Belg - Lid Directiecomité

Ben Coumans behaalde een Masterdiploma in Rechten aan de Universiteit van Leuven en een MBA General Management aan de Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School.

Ben trad in dienst bij Ageas in oktober 2014 als Director Strategy and Development. In 2018 werd hij Group Director M&A en in 2021 Group Director Strategy en M&A. 

Ben startte zijn professionele loopbaan bij Fortis, waar hij in 2006 Director Development & Acquisitions van Fortis Retail Banking werd. In 2008 ging hij aan de slag bij de investeringsbank Leonardo & Co als Director, om later Managing Director te worden. Hierna ging hij van start bij Ageas.   

Vanaf 1 maart 2024 is Ben benoemd tot Managing Director Europe .  

Mandaten en posities


  • Managing Director Europe 

  • Member of the Executive Committee of ageas SA/NV 

  • 2024 – Present 

Other mandates within Ageas 

  • Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Portugal Holdings SGPS, S.A. 

  • Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Portugal Companhia de Seguros, S.A. 

  • Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Medis – Companhia  Portuguesa de Seguros de Saude, S.A. 

  • Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Portugal - Companhia de Seguros de Vida, S.A. 

  • Non-Executive member of Millenium bcp Ageas Grupo Segurador, SGPS, S.A. (JV)

  • Non-Executive member of Ageas – Sociedade Gestora de Fundos de Pensoes, S.A. (JV)

  • Non-Executive member of Ocidental – Companhia Portuguesa de Seguros de Vida, S.A. (JV)

  • Vice-Chairman of the Board of Aksigorta, S.A.

  • Vice-Chairman of the Board of AgeSA, S.A.

  • Vice-Chairman of the Board of MediSA, S.A.

  • Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Insurance Limited

  • Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas (UK) Limited

  • Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Ageas Retail Limited

Positions held with other listed companies 

  • None 

Other positions held 

  • Non-Executive Independent Board Director of VDK Bank